Why SignaCap

Get a business loan

You’re not typical, neither are we

Faster Than the Banks

Applying for a business loan from a bank takes 26 hours on average. You’ve got better things to do. Our process takes less than 10 minutes.

Tailored Loans

Need a one-time loan you’ll pay back in 6 months or a revolving line of credit? We have the right financing option for your business.

A Human Experience

Have a question? Not a problem! We’re here to help. You’ll get a dedicated advisor to help you navigate the application process.

Hassle-Free Repayment

Daily or weekly repayments, automatically withdrawn from your bank account

No Specific Collateral Required

SignaCap term loans or lines of credit don’t require any personal or business collateral

Builds Business Credit

We report payments to bureaus so that your on-time payments help build business credit